Easter Newsletter 2016
Dear Parents

We hope you have had a happy and restful Easter after a very hectic Spring term!

The show was a great success with extremely positive feedback from the audiences.  We would like to thank all our parents for their help and support before the show – it would be impossible to do such a large production without the extra rehearsals and the attendance at those was very good. During the show we had excellent support from those parents who helped in the dressing rooms, backstage and front of house. Again, we wouldn’t be able to do the shows without this support.

Also, I have to say big congratulations to all the children, from the very smallest to the oldest, for their performances and, even more so, for their excellent behaviour over the whole weekend.  It was a pleasure to work with them all and to see the enjoyment and satisfaction they gained in performing so well.

We are now back to normal and the start of our new term is Monday, 11th April.  The new timetable is attached – we have had to make some changes and adjustments to times, so please read it carefully to check for your child’s class.  The main changes are to some Grades 3, 4 and 5 classes.

If you still have any outstanding fees, could you please send me a cheque, with immediate effect, made out to Windrush School of Ballet, to 14 Heath Lane, Bladon, Oxford, OX20 1SB or you can pay via bank transfer at:

Natwest sort code:  55-81-35
Windrush School of Ballet account number:  89001389

I look forward to seeing you all again next term.

Best wishes

Pat Clapton
There will be extra coaching classes for pupils entering the RAD Grade 1 examinations.

These will take place at Ceewood Hall from 11.30 – 12.15, starting on Saturday 6 January and lasting for seven weeks up to half term. At a later date there will be a rehearsal with the pianist.

I have kept the cost of these extra classes as low as possible. They will cost £20 per child and this fee should be paid to our Administrator Angela as soon as possible.

The examination will take place on Saturday 31 March. The time will be given at a later date.

If you have any queries I can be contacted on 01993 812177.

Patricia Clapton

Grade 1 Examinations - Extra Classes