Spring Term Newsletter
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Dear Parents

We are all eagerly looking forward to our forthcoming show and hope that you will enjoy seeing your children perform for you, as they have all worked extremely hard to learn their dances.

The new timetable for the summer term has been published online  Please check this carefully as we have had to make a number of changes to incorporate exam classes - if you have any queries regarding these changes, please contact me as soon as possible.  Joining us next term will be Emma Baker, one of our older students, who will be taking a contemporary dance class on Wednesday evenings at Ceewood Hall, commencing 2nd May from 7.30 to 8.15pm.  This class is aimed at children who are over 10 years of age.  Emma has choreographed a dance number for the show at Henry Box so you will be able to see some of her work then.  Please let me know before the start of next term if you are interested in your child joining this class.

Could we please ask that fees be paid during the first two weeks of term for the first child in a family and during the first two weeks following half-term for second children.  Unfortunately, due to the increase in hall hire charges and other general expenses, we will no longer be able to accept children for the following term if any fees are outstanding.  If you have any difficulties regarding the payment of fees, please do come and talk to us as a solution can normally be found.  If you would like to pay your fees by bank transfer the details are printed below.  If you do decide to use this method of payment could you please make sure that your child’s name is used as reference and, once the transaction has been completed, notify us to this effect at carol@windrushballet.com

National Westminster Bank: Sort Code 55-81-35
Account:  Windrush School of Ballet
Account Number:  89001389

We hope that you all have a very enjoyable Easter and that the children all return with lots of energy ready for the show!

Best wishes

Pat Clapton

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