Dear Parents
Due to the sudden closure of the Corn Exchange our concert will be at Henry Box School. Although the stage is slightly smaller than the Corn Exchange, it is the only venue within the Witney area with the technical facilities and audience capacity that is suitable. The performances will be on Saturday 28th April at 6.00pm and Sunday 29th April at 2.00pm and 6.00pm. There will be a dress rehearsal on Saturday 28th and the times when children will be required are listed below:
Wednesday Combe Primary & Friday Pre-Primary – 3.00pm - 4.00pm
Saturday Pre-Primary and Primary – 3.00pm - 4.00pm
ALL other classes will be required from midday to 4.00pm
There will also be rehearsals for all classes on Sunday 22nd April, and on Friday 27th April after school for some dances – the normal Friday lessons will be held at Henry Box School on that day. You will be notified regarding times and requirements nearer the date, but please keep these days free for rehearsals.
The Pre-Primary and Primary classes will only be involved in the following performances:
Tuesday Pre-Primary and Primary – Saturday 28th at 6.00pm
Wednesday Combe Primary and Friday Pre-Primary – Sunday 29th at 2.00pm
Saturday Pre-Primary and Primary – Sunday 29th at 6.00pm.
Tickets will be £10 for adults and £7 for children, and will be on sale during lessons from Monday 20th February to Saturday 3rd March, when Carol will be available. All tickets will need to be paid for in advance, either by cash or cheque made payable to Windrush School of Ballet. Please note that seats for the performances will not be numbered and we cannot reserve seats in the hall. The revenue from ticket sales will cover the substantial costs of hiring the venue, hiring of technical equipment and purchasing costumes. Any profits will be donated to a charitable cause."
During the concert and rehearsals at Henry Box your child will need to be happy to stay back stage with the supervision that we will provide. There is no room in the hall or backstage for parents to wait for their children, so please let us know as soon as possible if you feel that your child will be unable to take part.
We will require help during the performances with supervision of children, helping with hair and costumes, front of house and refreshments. Please let Pat or Lisa know if you would like to help and at which performance and we will then allocate you duties in one of these areas.
We look forward to a happy and successful show.